
Green X Reader - Relaxation

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Literature Text

I was in bed at Green’s. He said he had to do a few things before coming to bed and then he would. I was sitting up and already for bed but I was reading a book.

The door opened and Green came in.

“Done already?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he snapped. I closed the book and put it on the end table as he came over and sat down on the bed.

I crawled over to him and put my arms around his shoulders. “What’s wrong? Something went wrong didn’t it?” He lowered his head. “Don’t worry about it too much.”

“How can I not? Nothing’s adding up. And it just ends up pissing me off anyway I look at it,” he said after he held his head.

“Don’t let yourself get all worked up,” I said. “They aren’t due until two months. So you have time to take a break and clear your head.”

“You’re right,” he said. He got up and I fell down. Then he got on top of me. “So why not help me clear my head.” He looked so desperate. I felt terrible.

He leaned down and kissed me. It seemed focused like he was making himself kiss me.

I pulled back and said, “Green, don’t force yourself to do this. I can tell you are. And it’s not good for you to act this way. I know you just want to clear your head so you can get back to work but you really do need a break.”

He smiled. “You’re right,” he said. He put his head on my forehead.

“I know I am,” I said. “How about we just go to bed and tomorrow we have a relaxing day off?”

“That sounds nice if it could actually happen,” he said getting off of me.

“And why can’t it?” I asked sitting up. He stood up and went to the closet.

“Because I have to get them done soon so I can start on other things,” he said.

I got up and said, “That’s it. I’m going to make you exhaust yourself so you fall asleep. Come on,” I said pulling him back to the bed.

“I thought you didn’t want me to force myself,” he said.

I pushed him down on the bed and then sat on his lap. “It won’t take long for you to get into the mood.”


I was right it didn’t take him long. After it was all said and done he was fast asleep. I gotten up and got dressed in my pajamas again.

Then I went into his office and finished his work. The reason it wasn’t adding up was Green was so tired he was adding them wrong. His handwriting was written hastily and a few times it looked as though he fell asleep while doing it.

After I was done I piled them and put them in the correct folders. And put them nicely. Then I put a note that said: ‘I said you needed a break and I was right. So tomorrow or I guess today when you read this, we’re take a day off. I’m going to make you have a good time and damn it Green, you’re going to have fun!’ on the top of the folders.

Then I looked at the time it was almost midnight. Damn I didn’t realize it was late. I yawned. “Maybe I should make a picnic for us,” I asked Eevee who was beside me. “You think Green would like that?”

“~Veee.” She said happily.

“Alright. I’ll start that but you should get some sleep. Make sure nothing wakes him up and I’ll be quiet got it?” I asked. She nodded and headed to the bedroom.

Good thing about us living together was Eevee and I got along better. She knew I made Green happy so she had no problem with me anymore. She was usually so jealous of anyone who got close to Green. She was afraid they would steal him away and he’d forget about her but I made sure he didn’t forget about her.  

After that I quietly made a picnic basket for us. Filling it with Green’s favorites. I got done and then went to bed. Since it was already two and Green would be up in a few hours. He looked so peaceful and relaxed. Too bad he wasn’t like that when he was awake.

I crawled into bed with him and then felled asleep in his arms again.


I woke up only a few hours later at seven. Green was still asleep but he’d be up soon. I got up and took a quick shower. When I came out I couldn’t find Green anywhere. He wasn’t in the bed anymore. Eevee came in the bedroom with me and then ran off to Green’s office. I guess he was in there.

I went in his office. Sure enough he was in there. I guess he heard me. “(Name)? You did these? You must have been up all night doing this,” he said.

I went up to him and hugged him from behind. “There wasn’t much and it didn’t take to long,” I somewhat lied. “Now then. How about you go take a shower and then I’ll make breakfast? Sound good?”

“Yeah,” he said.

After that he took his shower and I made breakfast. After we ate we watched (favorite movie) with Eevee. She staid on my lap and fell asleep but she woke up once the movie was over. I took the picnic and we left to go on it.

I thought of this place we could go to in Viridian forest. It was a nice little opening by a pond. The trees opened in the top to let in light and it was a really nice place. Pokémon played around there and so did Eevee. We sat up and enjoyed our picnic.

“(Name), you are like super woman you know. You finished my work and made this last night after that?” he asked.

“Yeah. I was nothing, Green,” I said.

“No,” he said. He grabbed me and then smiled. “(Name), where would I be without you? I’d be a complete mess. Thank you for today. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, Green,” I said.

He then kissed me passionately. He wasn’t forcing himself and he was actually relaxed. It was amazing. Usually Green was so stress but it looks like my plan worked. To get Green to relax was hard but I actually did it. I was so happy though I was really tired now.

He backed off. “(Name), how much sleep did you actually get last night,” he asked.

“Seven, I think, why?” he asked.

“Since I have tomorrow off, how about we do this tomorrow but it will be your relaxation day?” he asked.

I smiled. “I’d love that,” I said.

We soon packed up and then went home. Only for me to fall asleep on him while we were watching TV. Relaxation is good for both the mind and body. We all need it but hardly none of us take it. We never slow down enough to enjoy it. Sometimes you just need someone to force you to do it. And it’s better to have the one you love to do it.
. . . . buttocks

Picture found on google. I don't own pokemon or the picture. Story is mine.
© 2013 - 2024 TheRavenGirl95
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WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the More-government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a Monday night at 12:00 a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other pictures on this one site, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently, if you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will have the best day of your life tomorrow.You will either get kissed or asked out, if you break this chain u will see a little dead girl in you